Imagine never needing another waxing appointment and living with smooth, hair-free skin! It is all possible with laser hair removal in Birmingham, AL. No more waxing, shaving, plucking, or embarrassment about facial or body hair sprouting in all the wrong places.
Why does laser hair removal take several treatments?
Your hair goes through several growth phases, and only the hairs in the “growth” phase are affected by the laser. The resting follicles will move out of the dormant phase and then produce hair, at which point another treatment is needed. Typically, four to six treatments are required, with yearly touchups.
Does laser hair removal hurt?
You will feel the energy, which may be mildly uncomfortable, but not difficult to experience.
Will the hair be gone forever?
Laser hair removal reduces the quantity of hair generated in the treated area. Your body may decide to produce new hair follicles, or dormant follicles come to life. Over time, with yearly maintenance treatments, you should be essentially hair-free in the area treated.